SBF最新聲明:FTX International 目前的資產/抵押品總市值高於客戶存款(隨價格變動!) 你的錢卡在FTX? 快用這招自救 FTX平台幣FTT交易

4) FTX International currently has a total market value of assets/collateral higher than client deposits (moves with prices!).  But that's different from liquidity for delivery--as you can tell from the state of withdrawals.  The liquidity varies widely, from very to very little. Translated from 英文 by 4) FTX International 目前的資產/抵押品總市值高於客戶存款(隨價格變動!)。  但這與交付的流動性不同——從提款的狀態可以看出。流動性變化很大,從很小到很小

4) FTX International currently has a total market value of assets/collateral higher than client deposits (moves with prices!). But that's different from liquidity for delivery--as you can tell from the state of withdrawals. The liquidity varies widely, from very to very little.

4) FTX International 目前的資產/抵押品總市值高於客戶存款(隨價格變動!)。 但這與交付的流動性不同——從提款的狀態可以看出。流動性變化很大,從很小到很小

FTX 帳戶快照紀錄

透過 帳戶快照紀錄)



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